Revolutionizing Real Estate with Affordable Housing


BYFCOIN has applied to get listed on CMC and currently waiting for their approval

Current Rate

1 BYF =  ETH

What is BYFCOIN?


BYFCOIN token bearing the ticker “BYF” is created on Ethereum Blockchain . The total supply of BYFCOINS is 1,000,000,000 BYFCOINS. The initial goal of BYFCOIN is to reach and maintain a predicted price of BYFCOIN at $0.05 during the first six months to one-year BYF is put in circulation, somewhere between September 12, 2024, and March 25, 2025. Prospectively and with hardworking, BYFCOIN shall fight using efficient and prudent apparatuses and policies to get to its sought-after price of $0.50 by the end of March 2027. Each BYFCOIN enthusiastic holder will have the opportunity to see the BYFCOIN dream come true with steady belief and priceless support of BYFCOIN project.

An Overview

BYFCOIN believes in providing decent and affordable housing for everyone. As we relax in our homes, it’s crucial to reflect on those lacking secure housing. BYFCOIN aims to address industry challenges through low-profit margins, innovative financing, and blockchain transparency. BYFCOIN seeks to eliminate exacting and unfair mortgage requirements and to ease restrictions to reach to a broader segment of the community in countries where BYFCOIN has operations and properties.

Our Views

Business Plan

The BYFCOIN business plan comprises two terms:

Short Term (2024-2029) The first phase targets three chosen Middle Eastern countries, commencing construction by March 25, 2026. The second phase expands to other countries through partnerships, starting January 12, 2028.

Long-Term Plan (2029 upwards) BYFCOIN long-term projects and plans shall support micro and small projects. Activation of Business Plans The realization of BYFCOIN plans and projects depends on the continuous support and loyalty of the BYFCOIN holders’ community. The loyal BYFCOIN holders are going to be the cornerstone and the basic pillar that BYFCOIN shall rest on.


BYFCOIN Rent-to-Own 15-year Interest-Free Installment Plan

Terms & Conditions

1. BYFCOIN shall adopt one agreement form for all its sale operations, which is the interest-free rent-to-own agreement, with BYFCOIN written promise to transfer the deed to BYFCOIN property buyer’s name upon full settlement of housing unit price. ​

2. BYFCOIN property monthly installments shall be settled by transferring the payment from BYFCOIN property buyer’s crypto wallet to BYFCOIN Installment Wallet. ​

3. Should the buyer have no crypto wallet, the installment payment shall be made using the relevant country’s currency. Then the BYFCOIN officer in charge of installment receipt shall promptly transfer the BYFCOIN equivalence of that payment from BYFCOIN General Wallet (dedicated for miscellaneous items executed in currencies other than BYFCOIN) to BYFCOIN Housing Installment Wallet. All installment payments shall be entered into BYFCOIN General Ledger as BYFCOIN transfers. ​

4. The property shall stay under the name of BYFCOIN all over the rent-to-own agreement tenor until the last installment is paid up by BYFCOIN property buyer, the day following which the deed shall be transferred to BYFCOIN property buyer. ​

5. The price of the property shall be divided over 180 interest-free monthly installments. ​

6. The first installment shall be paid one day before the property is handed over to BYFCOIN property buyer. ​

7. Upon BYFCOIN property buyer’s successful payment of the entire 180 installments, BYFCOIN shall transfer BYFCOIN property deed to BYFCOIN property buyer’s name. ​

8. BYFCOIN property buyer who establishes that he/she or any of his/her direct family members suffers a permanent disability or a chronic disease shall be granted a discount of 5% of the property price. ​

9. BYFCOIN property buyer who establishes to be a single mother, or a widowed parent (with orphaned children) shall be granted a discount of 5% of the property price. ​

10. BYFCOIN housing units (mostly apartments) shall be consisted of three types (Class F1, Class F2, and Class F3) of reasonable price ranges depending on the size of the housing unit (apartment type), which shall enable BYFCOIN to meet the requirements of broader spectrums of the lower and lower-middle classes. ​

11. Should BYFCOIN property buyer wish to make an early settlement of the installments, he/she shall be granted a 5% discount on the remaining balance of installments. ​

12. Should BYFCOIN property buyer fail to pay a total of six consecutive or intermittent installments, the property shall be recovered by BYFCOIN pursuant to a written property eviction notice delivered at the BYFCOIN property buyer’s address. In this case: A) BYFCOIN property buyer shall vacate and hand over the property to BYFCOIN in no more than two months from the written property eviction notice delivered. B) If BYFCOIN property buyer has already paid less than 18 installments, no reimbursements shall be paid. C) The reimbursement plan for the installments paid from the 19th installment and upwards shall be as follows: i. From the 19th installment and up to the 60th installment, BYFCOIN property buyer shall be reimbursed 20% of the installment amounts paid in the form of BYFCOINS transferred to his/her crypto wallet. ii. For the 61st installment and up to the 120th installment, BYFCOIN property buyer shall be reimbursed 40% of the installment in the form of BYFCOINs transferred to his/her crypto wallet. iii. For the 121st installment and up to the 179th installment, BYFCOIN property buyer shall be reimbursed 65% of the installment in the form of BYFCOINs transferred to his/her crypto wallet. ​

13. For the sake of the achievement of BYFCOIN ultimate mission, the previous bullet point shall be handled and considered on a case-by-case basis and out-of-policy exceptions may be applied in favor and in the interest of BYFCOIN property buyer and upon BYFCOIN’s sole discretion. ​

14. BYFCOIN shall pay all taxes related to BYFCOIN property, throughout the rent-to-own agreement tenor and until the deed is transferred to BYFCOIN property buyer’s name. ​

15. In case of the demise of BYFCOIN property buyer during the rent-to-own agreement tenor, BYFCOIN shall handle the liabilities and the remaining balance of installments on a case-by-case basis and for the best interest of the direct family members of the deceased (inheritors).

Our Affordable Housing Vision

BYFCOIN is a visionary in the blockchain and cryptocurrency consulting services industry, with a unique focus on constructing and selling affordable housing. Our primary goal is to leverage the power of blockchain technology to create a more equitable housing market. We offer a range of services, including auditing and compliance, blockchain implementation strategy, implementation and development, and strategy and planning. Our commitment to affordable housing is not just a business strategy, but a reflection of our belief in the transformative potential of blockchain technology.
We believe that at a certain point in time, BYFCOIN is going to be used as a means of payment in almost all our real estate operations (buy and sell), which means that eventually, BYFCOIN is going to be our official crypto coin.

BYFCOIN believes in providing decent and affordable housing for everyone. As we relax in our homes, it’s crucial to reflect on those lacking secure housing. BYFCOIN aims to address industry challenges through low-profit margins, innovative financing, and blockchain transparency. BYFCOIN seeks to eliminate exacting and unfair mortgage requirements and to ease restrictions to reach to a broader segment of the community in countries where BYFCOIN has operations and properties.


BYFCOIN Raffle Program

On March 25, 2026, after two years BYFCOIN is put in circulation, BYFCOIN shall launch BYFCOIN Property Raffle (BPR) to give away one housing unit to one eligible BPR winner on a yearly basis.

Eligibility Criteria for BPR Participants

1. Hold at least 20,000 BYFCOINS for a minimum of two consecutive calendar years.
2. BPR participants chances shall be doubled for each extra year of BYFCOIN holding.
3. BPR holders who miss the chance to win, their chances shall be doubled in future BPRs.
4. BYFCOIN shall diligently and attentively verify BYFCOIN wallet and holder.

BPR Property Winners and BPR Property Terms and Conditions

1. The BPR winner shall choose the housing unit in his/her home country, provided that the price of which should be up to a maximum limit to be set at a later stage.
2. BYFCOIN shall pay the price of the house directly to the property owner (whether an individual or a company) pursuant to a legitimate transaction and genuine receipts.
3. Should BPR winner fail to find the house within three months after the BPR date result announced, BYFCOIN shall deem that the BPR winner has opted to receive the housing unit in the form of an upfront lump sum payment in BYFCOINS and shall transfer the maximum limit value of the housing unit as an upfront payment to BPR winner’s wallet. The BPR winner may opt to receive the housing unit maximum value as an upfront payment transferred to his wallet.
4. BYFCOIN shall pay all the taxes related to the handed over BPR property for the first year post the handing over of the housing unit to the BPR winner.



How it works


BYFCOIN Liquidity Pool Launch

20th Apr 2025


BYFCOIN Raffle Program

12th Mar 2026


3 Phase Plan

12th Mar 2026


Construction Start

Mar 2026


Long Term Plan

2029 - onward



Byfcoin has successfully passed the rigorous Solidity Scan Audit, demonstrating its strength and reliability as a solid project in the crypto world! With a impressive score of 80+, Byfcoin has proven its commitment to security, stability, and best practices in smart contract development. This achievement is a testament to our team's dedication to building a trustworthy and robust cryptocurrency ecosystem. We're proud to have met the high standards of Solidity Scan Audit and look forward to continuing to innovate and grow in the crypto space! #Byfcoin #SolidityScanAudit #Crypto #Blockchain #Security #Transparency"



Contract :

Initial Sale : 100,000,000 BYFs
BYFCOIN Housing Project : 350,000,000 BYFs
BYFCOIN Reserve : 350,000,000 BYFs
Founding Team Share : 200,000,000 BYFs

Terms and Conditions Governing BYFCOIN Ownership, Holding and Circulation

1. A total of 100,000,000 BYFCOINs shall be reserved for the initial sale, ensuring their circulation.

2. 50% of the founders’ share shall be subject to a vesting period of two years, during which the founders cannot sell, send, swap or in any way dispose of that 50% before the elapse of two years post BYFCOIN creation.

3. Except for the founding wallet, no individual wallet shall be allowed to obtain and hold more than 20,000 BYFCOIN, while any number of tokens added therein via send (transfer) transaction exceeding the max limit shall be locked up for two years.

4. Each transaction shall entail a tax of 3% to be used in marketing and other various operational expenses.

5. BYFCOIN shall prudently and rigorously ensure and supervise strict application of relevant rules and regulations to prevent any kind of monetary manipulations or frauds.

6. BYFCOIN shall maintain a market balancing policy to mitigate market fluctuations and anomalies, when needed.